- Smashbox meet & greet/meet up - I started the year with a bang Alhamdulillah and got a small meet up set up at the Smashbox store for the launch of their new additional nude lipstick shades (blog post and swatch video here).
- Working regularly with Illamasqua - one of my fave brands that pushes me to always get creative with makeup!
- Glamglow multimasking video being used for sponsored post and having old customers from my retail days contact me saying they recognised my face
- Being part of the Estee Lauder Companies panel with other amazing "influencers" in the industry, giving our views on blogging and meeting the CEO.. this was such a huge honour and I was grateful that my opinions/comments are valued despite being a "micro" influencer. It's a step forward that I wish more brands would do to find out their markets and is something I hope to do more of in the future, so that products can maybe be tailor made to different audiences!
- Meeting Makeup By Mario a second time in my blogging career.. this time with Nip + Fab (blog post here). Watching him do makeup seems so effortless and I've definitely picked up tips.
- Starting my facebook group - Safiyah's Beauty Babes - where we share our reviews, foundation/concealer shades and discount codes! It feels like we're a close family on there now and everyone is super nice and helpful, I feel proud of everyone! <3
- Finding affordable but effective products like the elf yellow adjuster and the botanical lab turmeric mask and having loads of you trust me enough to buy and sell out these products initially! 😆
- Hosting an Eid ul Adha event at my "happy place" Palm Vaults and having e.l.f. cosmetics and Clinique ever so kindly donate goodies. I want to do this again next year iA, for those who maybe are lonely around Eid time <3
- Being in the Clinique UK Even Better campaign and having everyone message me when they saw the ad on IG, YouTube, Pinterest and even a huge screen in Lakeside! I didn't realise it would be so widespread, so I felt excited when I'd get a message from a follower; it's a nice feeling to have people rooting for you, so thank you! 🙈
- Going on my first ever press trip.. with none other than BECCA cosmetics! 😱 This wasn't even a goal of mine, more of a dream because I'd never thought I'd have been able to go on a press trip, especially being not so huge on IG and also being a single mum and all; but it was perfect as it was only a two day trip and it was literally the best break and (food) I've ever had. Read my full blog post about it here!
- Having my last meet & greet/meet up of the year with botanical brand boscia who have amazing products that I want to try more of once they reach here and seeing as I'm an avid masker, it was perfect to be a part of.
There were of course a fair few events I attended that deserve to be on this list too and quite a lot of packages to get through, which are all perks of the blogging world now that it has become the norm (but that I still appreciate!).
8 years on, I'm still just as excited about new releases as when I first started blogging, but now it's particularly for ones I know/have a feeling will be huge hits.. or are a bargain of course lol.

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