As you guys may or may not know by now, I absolutely adore today's guest poster Halima (Fashionicide), simply because her creativity and photography skills know no bounds!
I genuinely wish I could take half as amazing pictures as her, read on to see why!
This week I'm holding off from my Huda Beauty Sunday Swatches series despite having half-prepped the Pink Edition post (and swatch video) already. The reason I decided to take a break this week is because I'm plugging a campaign I was asked to be a part of by L'Oreal and also sharing what I felt!
Read on for my thoughts and feelings I felt with my first campaign which is small in the grand scheme of things but big for me.
I'm going to be doing a series of swatch posts (and videos!) featuring Huda Beauty Liquid Matte Minis, as I found it hard to get accurate swatches on Instagram (especially for darker/unfilled lips), so the first in this series is a swatch and review of the Nude Edition set.
Up until now, I only owned the full size Bombshell that I used in this tutorial, so now I can add these liquid matte lipsticks to my lip swatches gallery/posts here on the blog and of course my YouTube channel for your reference!
Read on to see what I think of them in my full review.