Hello lovelies, this is my first review since the rebrand, so you'll notice I have to say goodbye to my "FrootiFactors" but will still use my lippies for my overall rating and the rest will remain the same.. hope this helps!
So following my last make up look (collage below), I thought I'd review the NYX Lip Lingeries with full swatches of course.. If you read my Mummy Essentials post you'd have seen me gushing over the NYX Lip Suede in Soft Spoken (still love it as an every day shade!).
When I saw the new Lip Lingeries available on the Boots site, I was a bit disappointed by the pictures (here), because it did not give an accurate depiction of the Lip Lingerie shades (they all look brown in the Boots picture to be honest).
I fancied going for a smokey look as it feels like it's been a while and of course I couldn't help myself and had to incorporate neutrals/brown into it (my hands/eyes are just drawn to neutrals these days, can't help it!).
I decided to use my untouched Anastasia Beverly Hills Shadow Couture World Traveler palette and decided to pair it with (shock, horror) nude lips - the new NYX Lip Lingeries.